The Michigan Veterinarian reaches key players in this multi-million-dollar market at four strategic times throughout the year.
SpringSpace Closing: Early February
Distribution: Early March Focus on Great Lakes Veterinary Conference
Includes an intro to leadership |
SummerSpace Closing:Early MayDistribution: Mid-June CONFERENCE ISSUE (Bonus distribution at MiVetCon) Focus on MiVetCon |
FallSpace Closing: Early AugustDistribution:Mid-September Focus on Small Animal Series Includes GLVC recap |
WinterSpace Closing: Early NovemberDistribution: Mid-December Focus on Member Recognition Includes MiVetCon recap |
Advertising Rates
The Michigan Veterinarian— the magazine of the Michigan Veterinary Medical Association— is published quarterly as a full-color publication. The magazine is published in March, June, September, and December. Distribution: over 2,400 veterinarians and students, and will reach most veterinary practices in Michigan. Material for publication must be submitted by the first of the month preceding publication.
*Ads booked in the Magazine will APPEAR ONLINE AT NO EXTRA COST!
- 10% premium for all guaranteed positions (not including covers).
- Rates for stitched and polybagged inserts available upon request.
- Rates are net of agency commission.
- The publisher and the MVMA reserve the right to reject advertising that is deemed inappropriate.
- The publisher and MVMA cannot be held liable for any material used or claims made in advertising included in this publication.
To reach veterinary professionals through the The Michigan Veterinarian newsletter, contact Megan at your earliest convenience to discuss your company’s promotional plans. Megan Stanley |
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