Eye on New Jersey
New Jersey’s Primary Eye Care Physicians
Eye on New Jersey is mailed to seven hundred of the state’s optometric physicians and partners of the New Jersey Society of Optometric Physicians, for a total circulation of approximately 1,100 copies. The NJSOP is dedicated to advancing the profession of optometry and serving optometrists in meeting the eye care needs of the public.
SPRINGSpace Closing: Late January The Spring issue is printed and mailed to the full membership and includes a digital edition emailed directly to members.
SUMMERSpace Closing:Late April The Summer issue is a digital-only edition, emailed to the membership and accessible online.
FALLSpace Closing: Mid-JulyDistribution: Early September BONUS DISTRIBUTION AT THE ANNUAL CONFERENCE The Fall issue is a digital-only edition, emailed to the membership and accessible online. |
WINTERSpace Closing: Mid-October The Winter issue is printed and mailed to the full membership and includes a digital edition emailed directly to members.
*Covers are subject to change
Advertising Rates
*Ads booked in the print magazine will APPEAR ONLINE AT NO EXTRA COST!
** Black & White rates available on request.
- 10% premium for all guaranteed positions (not including covers).
- Rates for stitched and poly-bagged inserts available upon request.
- Rates are net of agency commission.
- The publisher and NJSOP reserve the right to reject advertising that is deemed inappropriate.
- The publisher and NJSOP cannot be held liable for any material used or claims made in advertising included in this publication.
To reach optometric physicians across New Jersey through Eye on New Jersey and/or NJSOP’s E-Newsletter and its targeted readership, contact Chad at your earliest convenience. Chad Morrison, Marketing Manager |