Tap Into Virginia magazine reaches key players in this multi-million-dollar market at four strategic times throughout the year, including a spring issue with a Membership Directory & Buyers’ Guide and a summer issue focusing on WaterJAM.
SpringMEMBERSHIP DIRECTORY & BUYERS’ GUIDESpace Closing: Early March Distribution: Early April |
SummerWATERJAM 2020 SEPTEMBERSpace Closing: Early June Distribution: Early July BONUS DISTRIBUTION AT CONFERENCE |
FallWaterJAM Conference RECAPSpace Closing: Mid-October Distribution: Mid-November |
WinterSpace Closing: Early DecemberDistribution: Early January |
Advertising Rates
As the official membership publication of the Virginia Section of the AWWA, Tap Into Virginia is committed to providing a strong and informative voice in all matters pertaining to the exchange of water quality knowledge and experiences among its members and the public and to foster a greater awareness of water quality achievements and challenges throughout Virginia.
*Ads booked in the Magazine will APPEAR ONLINE AT NO EXTRA COST!
- 10% premium for all guaranteed positions (not including covers).
- Rates for stitched and poly-bagged inserts available upon request.
- Costs incurred for publication-produced ads or non-compatible electronic files will be charged to the advertiser.
- The publisher and the VA-AWWA reserve the right to reject advertising that is deemed inappropriate.
- The publisher and VA-AWWA cannot be held liable for any material used or claims made in advertising included in this publication.
- Rates are net of agency commission.
To reach water professionals through Tap Into Virginia and its targeted readership, contact Dave at your earliest convenience to discuss your company’s promotional plans. Dave Gill, Marketing Manager |
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