Looking to reach water professionals in Alabama and Mississippi?

Pipeline has a controlled circulation of 3,500 with a pass-along readership of over 10,500

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For the past several years I was honored to serve the Section in an officer capacity as Secretary/Treasurer and maintaining the finances of our Section. Now that my tenure as an officer has expired for the time being, I am pleased to report that I have taken back editorial duties of the premier newsletter, the Pipeline. I would like to thank Hercy Golson whom replaced me as editor for his great service to the publication over the past few years and look forward to continue working with him. Once again it is that time of year to begin planning for your advertising opportunities for the new year in the Pipeline. As always, the Section values your support to our publication and your dedication to the water industry as a whole.

Last year was an extraordinarily successful year for the Pipeline, with support for the Section from new and old supporters. The Pipeline continues to provide excellent service to the water industry through education and information geared towards the water profession in our quarterly publications. With your ongoing support through marketing ads, we will definitely produce a leading publication for the water industry and its readers.

If you have not considered the Pipeline as an avenue for your marketing needs, now is a great time to do so. Our publications are distributed to all community public water systems throughout the states of Alabama and Mississippi. This distribution stream allows water system officials a way to stay informed on current issues affecting the water industry. Additionally, it provides awareness on the latest products and services that are currently available. The current circulation is approximately 3,500. As a result, our publication would be an excellent marketing tool for new and current providers of products and services.

Water industry professionals, municipal offices, and government agencies are eager to see what products and services you have to offer and or promote in our next publication of the Pipeline.

If you are interested in including the Pipeline in your marketing plans, please contact Rod Evason at rod@kelman.ca or myself at Harry.Gong@msdh.ms.gov for more information on this exciting opportunity.

We look forward to your support this year and beyond!

Best Regards,
Harry D. Gong, Jr.
AL/MS Section Pipeline Editor

Be A Part Of Our Important Industry Magazine!

Be A Part Of Our Important Industry Magazine!

As the official membership publication of Alabama Mississippi Section of the American Water Works Association, Pipeline is committed to providing a strong and informative voice in all matters pertaining to the exchange of water quality knowledge and experiences among its members and the public and to foster a greater awareness of water quality achievements and challenges throughout the great states of Alabama & Mississippi.


Interactive Edition Available Online

Interactive Edition Available Online

With print and electronic communication operating hand-in-hand you can take advantage of the fact that Pipeline magazine is also available online in a highly interactive format.

Flip-through pages, the sounds of turning pages, and even shading along the spine all enhance your reading experience. This is the world’s first full html5 solution on the market giving you the same interactive experience as the flash version. In addition to the book layout, you can also select a presentation view that presents single pages rather than the traditional double page layout.