Michigan Water Works News
has a controlled circulation of 3,500 with a pass-along
readership of over 10,500*
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Welcome to Michigan Water Works News magazine: our Section’s choice for communicating with our members and other water professionals throughout the state. This publication serves as a valuable resource — it is a place to be inspired by leading water professionals and to explore the rich history, current challenges and vibrant future of our great public service sector.
Michigan Water Works News is also an opportunity for you and your company to demonstrate your support for the water sector. As someone who is directly involved in the advancement of the sector throughout the state of Michigan, I urge you to take full advantage of this publication’s potential to showcase your commitment to the field and effectively promote your company’s products and services.
Al Whalen, Marketing Manager with our publisher Craig Kelman & Associates, will help you make the most of this meaningful marketing platform by including Michigan Water Works News in your promotional plans for this year and for the future. I know our Section shares with you a desire to make our sector as strong, vibrant and progressive as possible – thank you for being an important part of our success!
Bonnifer Ballard
Executive Director, MI-AWWA
This highly qualified audience is made up of key decision makers with buying authority and influence – the CORE of your market. All copies of each issue are individually addressed to qualified decision makers whose positions include:
and managers |
With print and electronic communication operating hand-in-hand, you can take advantage of the fact that Michigan Water Works News is also available online in a highly interactive format.
Flip-through pages, the sounds of turning pages, and even shading along the spine
all enhance your reading experience. This is the world’s first full html5 solution on the
market giving you the same interactive experience as the flash version. In addition to
the book layout, you can also select a presentation view that presents single pages
rather than the traditional double page layout.