Looking to reach decision makers in Saskatchewan's Municipal Governments?

Municipal Voice magazine has a controlled circulation of nearly 3,800 with a pass-along readership of over 11,400

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About SUMA

At the turn of the century, the local city, town, and village governments of the day believed it was necessary to have an organization through which they could, on a collective basis, express their needs and desires for legislative and financial services, to the provincial government.

In 1906, the Union of Saskatchewan Municipalities (the name would later change to SUMA) held their first convention. Mayor Peter McAra, Jr., of the City of Regina, was SUMA's first president.

Recognized since 1906 as the collective voice of Saskatchewan municipalities, SUMA represents the interests of municipal governments on policy and program matters within provincial jurisdiction.

The Association has been in continuous operation since that time, serving the needs of member councils by maintaining and improving the strength of local government.

In 1967, the board of directors believed that it was necessary to strengthen SUMA and to empower the association to engage in activities that would enable us to better serve our members. An act of the Saskatchewan Legislature was passed in April of 1967 to incorporate the association and to vest powers which would enable it to more effectively meet its objectives.

SUMA's legacy has continued to grow since its inception more than a century ago. You can find more details on our history in two books (The Urban Age, and The New Urban Age), and keep up with what we are doing now through Municipal Update and Municipal Voice.

Be A Part Of Our Important Industry Magazine!

Be A Part Of Our Important Industry Magazine!

As the official publication of the Saskatchewan Urban Municipalities Association, Municipal Voice is committed to providing a strong and informative voice connecting all urban municipalities throughout Saskatchewan.

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Interactive Edition Available Online

Interactive Edition Available Online

With print and electronic communication operating hand-in-hand you can take advantage of the fact that Municipal Voice magazine is also available online in a highly interactive format.

Flip-through pages, the sounds of turning pages, and even shading along the spine all enhance your reading experience. This is the world’s first full html5 solution on the market giving you the same interactive experience as the flash version. In addition to the book layout, you can also select a presentation view that presents single pages rather than the traditional double page layout.

Print Advantage


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Distributed directly to membership or subscriber lists that are continually updated, print magazines enable advertisers to effectively reach a current and accurate target audience. There are no mailing list development, maintenance or retention costs for advertisers in these printed publications.


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