With a guaranteed circulation of 4,200, The Georgia Operator reaches GAWP’s membership comprised of water and wastewater treatment plant operators and managers, municipal and industrial officials and environmental managers, civil and environmental engineers, scientists, manufacturers and their representatives, contractors, elected officials and others concerned with Georgia’s water resources.
*Cover is subject to change |
SpringSpace Closing: Early FebruaryDistribution: Early March |
SummerSpace Closing: Early MayDistribution: Mid-June Bonus Distribution at the Show |
FallSpace Closing: Late AugustDistribution: Early October Annual Buyers’ Guide showcasing advertisers’ products/services |
WinterSpace Closing: Early NovemberDistribution: Early December |
Conference Clarifier
*Cover is subject to change |
The Annual Conference Clarifier will be distributed to every attendee at the GAWP Annual Conference in July (approximately 1,500 copies will be distributed). The Annual Conference Clarifier is the only publication that contains listings of all conference activities and technical programs, exhibitor descriptions and hall layout, individual award winners and recertification forms. Please review the specifications below and contact Rod Evason with any questions or if you wish to place an ad in the GAWP Annual Conference Clarifier. |
Advertising Rates
As the official journal of the Georgia Association of Water Professionals, The Georgia Operator is committed to providing a strong and informative voice in all matters pertaining to the water industry in Georgia, as well as experiences among GAWP’s members and the public.
*Ads booked in the Magazine will APPEAR ONLINE AT NO EXTRA COST!
- All rates include full color, black and white rates available upon request.
- 10% premium for all guaranteed positions (not including covers).
- Rates for stitched and poly-bagged inserts available upon request.
- Costs incurred for publication-produced ads or non-compatible electronic files will be charged to the advertiser.
- The publisher and GAWP reserve the right to reject advertising that is deemed inappropriate.
- The publisher and GAWP cannot be held liable for any material used or claims made in advertising included in this publication.
- Rates are net of agency commission.
To reach water and wastewater professionals through The Georgia Operator and its targeted readership, contact Rod at your earliest convenience to discuss your company’s promotional plans. Rod Evason, Marketing Manager Email: rod@kelman.ca Phone: 877-985-9710 Cell: 204-799-2426 |