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Florida Public Works has a controlled circulation of 2,000 with a pass-along readership of over 7,000

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About APWA Florida Chapter

Who We Are
The APWA Florida Chapter has a diverse multi-faceted membership which includes professionals specializing in emergency management, engineering and technology, facilities and grounds, fleet services, leadership and management, solid waste management, recycling programs, transportation (roadway planning, design and maintenance), utility and right-of-way issues, stormwater management, water resources management, and waste water management.

The Florida Chapter (see district map) of APWA has eleven Branches that include professionals at all levels of almost all the public works agencies in Florida and also private sector companies that provide goods and services to these public agencies.

What We Do
The American Public Works Association (APWA) is an international educational and professional association of public agencies, private sector companies and individuals dedicated to providing high quality public works goods and services.

The Florida Chapter provides financial support to the education endeavors through scholarships to students and members of public work agencies.

The educational programs held by each Branch of the Florida Chapter of APWA relate to improvements or projects completed within the area covered by each particular Branch. Branch activities provide a forum allowing professionals to share on-the job experiences and discuss local topics of concern. Branch programs also provide an opportunity for area vendors to show case product and services through meeting sponsorship or speaking engagements.

A significant benefit of the Branch meetings is the networking opportunity. The meetings promote networking of public and private sector professionals allowing members and attendees to receive valuable and useful information about local projects, products and services.

Be A Part Of Our Important Industry Magazine!

Be A Part Of Our Important Industry Magazine!

Florida Public Works magazine is direct-mailed to public and private sector individuals, agencies and companies involved in:

  • Buildings and grounds
  • Road and street maintenance
  • Emergency management
  • Transportation
  • Municipal engineering
  • Administration
  • Fleet maintenance
  • Construction management
  • Equipment services
  • Water and wastewater operations
  • Research
  • Solid waste collection and disposal
  • Traffic control


Interactive Edition Available Online

Interactive Edition Available Online

With print and electronic communication operating hand-in-hand you can take advantage of the fact that Florida Public Works magazine is also available online in a highly interactive format.

Flip-through pages, the sounds of turning pages, and even shading along the spine all enhance your reading experience. This is the world’s first full html5 solution on the market giving you the same interactive experience as the flash version. In addition to the book layout, you can also select a presentation view that presents single pages rather than the traditional double page layout.

Print Advantage



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