Looking to reach water professionals throughout Maryland, Delaware and District of Columbia?

Chesapeake Magazine has a controlled circulation of 1,600 with a pass-along readership of over 4,800*

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Dear industry supporter and prospective advertiser,

As someone who is directly involved in the delivery of high-quality products and services to the water industry throughout Maryland, Delaware and the District of Columbia, we know that you and your company have a vested interest in the industry’s well-being. As Chair of the Chesapeake Section of the AWWA, representing professionals who are dedicated to preserving, restoring, and enhancing our precious water resources, I can assure you that we share the desire to make our industry as strong, vibrant, and progressive as possible.

To that end, we welcome you to Chesapeake Magazine, which plays a vital role in our industry’s building and strengthening process. From featuring major projects and providing timely news to dealing with important issues, profiling industry professionals, and helping our members become better prepared to meet the numerous challenges they face, Chesapeake Magazine is sure to become an even more important communication vehicle within our industry.

As we strive to ensure that our magazine fulfills its important education and communication responsibilities, I urge you to take full advantage of its potential to effectively promote your company’s products and services, and to demonstrate your commitment to and support of the water industry in our area. When you are contacted by Dave Gill of our publisher, Craig Kelman & Associates, I sincerely encourage you to make the most of this high-impact and meaningful marketing opportunity by including Chesapeake Magazine in your promotional plans for the year ahead. It is definitely a win‑win situation for all concerned.

Elford Jackson

We invite you to be a part of our important industry magazine!

We invite you to be a part of our important industry magazine!

This highly qualified audience on our mailing list is made up of key decision makers with buying authority and influence – the CORE of your market. All copies of each issue are individually addressed to qualified decision makers whose positions include:

- Treatment plant operators
   and managers
- Scientists
- Environmentalists
- Contractors
- Consultants
- Manufacturers
- Distributors
- Regulators

Ads booked in Chesapeake Magazine appear online – FREE!

Interactive Edition Available Online

Interactive Edition Available Online

With print and electronic communication operating hand-in-hand you can take advantage of the fact that Chesapeake Magazine is also available online in a highly interactive format.

Flip-through pages, the sounds of turning pages, and even shading along the spine all enhance your reading experience. This is the world’s first full html5 solution on the market giving you the same interactive experience as the flash version. In addition to the book layout, you can also select a presentation view that presents single pages rather than the traditional double page layout.